Today's the day. I've been blogging here for the past four (!) years, and never really felt like I settled in here. It was my internet home, but didn't feel very home-y. It started as a creative writing independent study project in college, morphed into a few different beings, changed names three times, and has been Feather Spirit for the past year.
But I'm ready for new. Fresh. Clean. Free.
And so I'm moving! You can now find me at
It's brand new, it's beautiful, it's simple, and it just feels
good. I hope you'll join me there.
If you've been reading here for awhile, thank you so much for following along all this time. This space has served me so well in my foray into blogging and I hope to always keep these archives open.
But now, all the fun will be taking place over here. (And a big project is beginning this week!) Join us xo