Wednesday, May 29, 2013

let it flow.


In the release, we become.

When you begin to feel the ibuprofen wearing off and you feel like you need to get it back into your system immediately but don’t have any water in the car with you

let it flow.

When you know that your mascara is running down your cheeks with the tears

let it flow.

When you feel like you need to jump out of bed and already start hurryhurryhurrying the second your eyes open

let it flow.

When you haven’t answered text messages in hours and the guilt starts creeping in

let it flow.

When the only energy you can muster is to take a deep breath and stare out the window

let it flow.

When you spot the withering petals and browning leaves and remember the plants needed to be watered three days ago

let it flow.

When you need to put yourself on a schedule and lie down at least once an hour to keep the post-surgery pains at bay

let it flow.

When you go to two different stores looking for a product that you never end up finding

let it flow.

When you type up a blog post and then mistakenly delete the end of it (yes, right now)

let it flow.

Let it flow.
Release, release, release. For it is in the releasing, after all,

that we become.


  1. Oh how I needed this...let it flow...

  2. So serendipitous. Last week I realized I finally just needed to let go. This is basically the same thing. I needed to be reminded of this today. <3

    1. Definitely the same thing. Let go, release, was the day :)

  3. Ahh...let it flow. It feels good just saying it.

  4. I am letting go
    And enjoying the flow

  5. I am letting go
    And enjoying the flow


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