Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Girl Can Dream

In this unfair world we live in, I've decided it's completely illogical to expect a person to hold just one profession. What if I have more than one thing I want to do with my life? What if I want to get five college degrees? This is not plausible.

But, I've come up with a list of professions I'd ideally like to have. Who knows, maybe someday I can check them all off. I can dream, can't I? Please do comment and provide any type of sage advice for the fulfillment of these goals.

1.) Social worker (I do plan on actually completing this one)
2.) Handbag designer (I've already sewn close to ten, they're practically a line already!)
3.) Hippie living out of a van
4.) Midwife
5.) One of those people in the Kashi commercials that supposedly backpack the world looking for healthy food ideas
6.) Ray Lamontagne groupie (which will then lead to #7...)
7.) Crack addict/artist/musician (Okay, so not really, but it's a rather romantic profession, isn't it? And I mean romantic as in fanciful and idealistic and impractical, not lovey-dovey romance)

And if I'm still alive after the aforementioned crack addiction, the list will go on.....

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