Wednesday, February 8, 2012

dreaming day + my 2012 workbook

dreaming day + 2012 Creating My Goddess Year workbook

This weekend I was feeling pulled in a million different directions. Between taking care of the dog (who's proving to be more of a handful than I thought), catching up on laundry and cleaning, getting some freelance work done, just sitting and relaxing for a minute, and finally getting around to grocery shopping, my to-do list seemed never ending.

So on Saturday night, I declared Sunday would be my Dreaming Day. A day, or an afternoon, or at least an hour, when I could clear my schedule, put the dog in her crate, and spread out at the table with books, hot coffee, notebooks, candles, and soft music. And let the dreams come.

I wandered through Pinterest and added to my vision board. I read inspiring blogs. I journalled. And I worked on my 2012 Creating My Goddess Year workbook.

2012 Creating My Goddess Year workbookdreaming day + 2012 Creating My Goddess Year workbook

As I've delved deeper and deeper into this workbook, I've fallen more and more in love with it. Returning to its pages feels familiar and comforting. I think I'm only halfway through, and I've already gotten so much from it. There's a space reserved for listing your 100 Things To Do In 2012, which totally freaked me out. But you know what? I thought of 102 things. I wrote silly things, like make more eye contact and wear hats, but I also thought up big things like move into my own space and take a road trip to a National Park. At first I worried that I'd just end up feeling guilty and regretful if I got to the end of the year and hadn't completed all these things, but I constantly feel so excited about them I just can't wait to do them. And if they don't happen -- so be it. Just thinking them up and believing them to be possible is pretty miraculous for me, I think.

dreaming day + 2012 Creating My Goddess Year workbook2012 Creating My Goddess Year workbook

It's a lot of pages. Some I printed out in black and white, to save ink. Some I colored in myself. I used purple pens, gel pens, black pens, markers, pencils, whatever I wanted. I ended up stapling the pages into an empty composition notebook, and it works perfectly for me. My To-Do Book (to make all those dreams and goals come true, also known as "My Book of Magnificent Possibilities") is an old book I covered with a pretty photo from Pinterest. As I work through these, I often feel like I'm 7 years old again -- I forget how much I love to be crafty and creative.

dreaming day + 2012 Creating My Goddess Year workbookdreaming day

I haven't even gotten to the calendar pages yet, but I can't wait to see what I do with them.

If you're feeling interested, you can still purchase them. (We're still only one month into 2012!) And the best part? They're only $10. Well worth the money, I'm sure of it.

(And of course they come free with a Goddess Circle membership, which is how I got mine. I still claim it's the best $99 I've ever spent. Probably the only thing I'm happy to shell out that much money for.)

2012 feels big and transformational to me, you know?

I feel it.


  1. That sounds like the perfect 'you' Sunday! I have actually been sitting here today filling out my 100 things to do list, catching up on blogs and poking through the Circle. I didn't get up to 100 things last year, so one of my things is 'think of 100 things for my 100 things list' hehe.

    I thought I'd share a photo of my table while I've been doing it, because we're looking pretty similar- pretty similar except my strawberries are cut up and put into my glass of white wine. ;)

    Also, I'm totes following you on pintrest now. About to go raid your boards! :D

    1. Ha, Amy -- I WISH mine had been cut up in some wine! So funny that our tables are so similar :)

  2. I was just holding debating the other day forking out the ten bucks. I love the concept and feel to this workbook. Glad to hear an insider review!

  3. This is WAY cool! I'm your newest follower!

  4. Oh yay, Jasmine, so glad you found me :)

  5. Love the photos!

    I have been debating whether to get it... I am only 17 but I guess it's for all goddesses, right?

    I also fear I won't be allowed to print so much paper out - is there many pages?

  6. I haven't seen the email yet, Ruth! Where did you send it to? :)

  7. Oh no! I replied through Blogger, so it should be whatever email you commented with. Sorry! Here's what it said though :)

    Yes, it's for all goddesses! I think there are some in the Goddess Circle as young as 14. It's many older women too, but I'm 24 and I don't feel out of place or anything. I get the sense that we're all on similar journeys and age doesn't matter so much! Everyone is so accepting and loving and wonderful in the Circle, if you were thinking of joining ;)

    The 2012 workbook is quite a few pages, yes (I think over 100?). But not every one has to be printed! I read through and only printed the pages that needed to be filled in -- some are simply for reading. And when I did print them, I printed some in B&W instead of color to save ink. You could also just copy it down into a journal or something too, I'm sure!

    Thanks for reading, and I'm so glad you're interested! I love this book.


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