Thursday, February 2, 2012

maebel's first woods walk.

maebel's first walk

What with the 60-degree weather yesterday (and the first day of February!) and an afternoon off, I decided to take Maebel on her first walk on a leash, through the woods. Sieta, our long-term dog-sitting Sheltie, came along.

There was a lot of this:

maebel's first walksieta, distracted

And this:

maebel's first walkmaebel's first walk

And this:

maebel's first walkmaebel's first walk

Needless to say, forty minutes later, we hadn't gotten far.

Sigh. We'll get used to leashes and new smells, someday.

maebel's first walkmaebel + sietamaebel's first walk

This is what our magical woods are starting to look like, but much worse and more widespread. I know plenty of people cut down plenty of trees for plenty of reasons, but this time it's just making me sad. The whole landscape out there is changing. (And we can now see through the trees to the greenhouses down the street.)

demolishing our forest :(


  1. Looking at these puppy photos really makes my day
    ; )

    I'm sorry to hear about the woods though. The woods behind my house have been under attack for a couple of years now, but this winter it's come even closer to our property and when I post photos on the blog you won't believe what it looks like. I can hardly bear to walk back there anymore. All one can see is severed Hemlocks.


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