Thursday, April 14, 2011

a brunch-turned-picnic

picnic croissantolives, cheese, garlicyummy olivesgarlic facepretty marypeekaboohand-holdingsomething's funny"stretching"
kid modelfeeling the breeze

Sunday morning was going to be fabulous. We had a plan to finally use the Groupon I bought back before Christmas for a delicious brunch at a farm-to-table restaurant about 40 minutes away.

Too bad I had the thought to check if we needed a reservation when we were only ten minutes from the place. The woman on the other end of the phone was not pleasant. We were not getting in. No way, no how.

Sour moods began to show through as we hurriedly made a second-best plan for getting food in our stomachs, pronto. We dejectedly decided to stop in at the grocery store and buy some picnic food and then search for a place to park ourselves. We got some croissants, olives, hummus, cheese, (and chocolate muffins, too) and found a grassy school yard to picnic. With food in our stomachs, our picnic gave way to photo shoots and rolling down grassy slopes and cartwheeling.

It turned into a lovely Sunday morning, after some adapting! Turns out, changing plans at the last minute isn't as hard as I always think it is...


  1. Looks like a lovely way to spend a Sunday, though it is a shame your original plans didn't work out. I love the farm-to-table idea... But picnics are sometimes even better!

  2. That looks so wonderful!! I love your photos, they're so happy and fun :)

  3. soemtimes a change in plans can be even better!

  4. that looks so fun. your photos are so lively. I can't recall the last time I had a picnic. Peace

  5. What a great story! You really turned lemons into lemonade (or snooty restaurants into croissant-filled picnics).


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