Monday, December 5, 2011

full disclosure

The lowest point of my day was sitting at a toddler table trying to spoon yogurt into the mouth of a very uninterested child, listening to a symphony of sippy cups as the kids all joined in slamming them down onto the fucking table over and over and over again amidst crying and coughing in my face and red paint strewn all over my knees and sleeves, and wanting nothing more than to stand up, throw the yogurt in the sink, and walk out.

The highest point of my day was realizing that this feeling of  never getting out, of it being impossible to leave and  just totally stuck in this point of my life, is completely untrue.


  1. I've been in that place.minus the sippy cups. It's hard but I am glad that you know that it's temporary. I, too, need to keep reminding myself that everything changes.

  2. I've been there (not with little kids thank God) and done the whole walking out thing too, though that was years ago when you could find another job very easily. I definitely learned, when I drove back and forth across the country this fall, that you can change your whole exterior reality very, very quickly. It's the interior reality that's tricky!

  3. i have been there recently with my workplace as well, just be relieved in the knowledge that this is a temporary and fleeting moment in the life you will have.!

  4. Keishua: So glad you can relate. This post was my own reminder~

    Uma: So, so true. Thanks for sharing that :)

    Mary: Yes! You're right!


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