Thursday, October 13, 2011

note to self.


Good morning, dear readers.

Rain is falling and I have a hot mug of chai nearby and a dark, quiet house all to myself and finally a morning off from work

and things are looking brighter, today.

Yesterday, I walked down to the pond and stood at its edge, and spoke aloud of the things I want.  I told the Universe (or God, or Goddess, or Great Spirit, or what-have-you) that I intend to get these things, but that I need help. I then wrote down a lengthy list of all that I needed to do back at home that night, and then all of the things that I wanted to do, afterwards. (I always have such trouble distinguishing the two.)

That short little walk through the woods, after a really messy day, did wonders for my soul, I'm sure of it.

Note to self: Step into nature more often. It's more healing than you'd think.


  1. i'm glad things are clearing up for you!

    sometimes we need to just get away from it all. nature provides perfect respite.

  2. I'm glad you get to have a quiet morning! You should post your recipe for chai, because I forget how you make it and want it in my belly now!

  3. Nature really is the best medicine for the soul...I'm currently located in Denver right now, and it's a bit of a tease. The mountains are so close, yet life always tends to intervene, preventing me from making those quick get-aways to those special, soul-soothing places. I'm glad you were able to find that sort of tranquility and solace in the woods, Ruth! I need a dose of that sort of thing at this moment in my life (aka. pre-exam time!).


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