Monday, October 17, 2011

waiting and becoming.

"After nearly two years, I had absolutely nothing tangible to show for two whole years of my life.....I wanted my new life to start yesterday. So why was it taking so long?.....Have I mentioned that I'm really bad at waiting? I wanted to fast forward through the whole process and find out where I was going to BE. Which means (you guessed it), I was definitely not living in the moment.....I've since realized that those two years were critical, potent, fertile years of development, during which I planted all the seeds that are now blossoming.

I now call those two years my Waiting and Becoming years."

:: Dr. Lissa Rankin ::


  1. right now i feel horribly impatient. i'm ready for school to be over and my adult life to begin. this quote is a good reminder to keep living in the moment!

  2. I'm impatient too, now that I'm back at home. I want to figure out how this is all going to play out and what's the next step?!

  3. M, me too! I reeeeally wish I could just fast forward....

    It's comforting to know I'm not the only one.

  4. Oh, I know that feeling. it's hard to sit with things and let them unfold. I always just hope to get what I need to live with joy.

  5. But then you know we're going to get to a certain point/age where we want to rewind, and only then will we be able to truly appreciate that everything was perfect just as it was.

  6. You just gave me goosebumps. How very, very true. Thank you for reminding us :)


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