Friday, May 25, 2012

a few thoughts

Even paragraphs feel like too much work today, so a numbered list it is: (I'm one of those people who make too many lists all the time, are you?)

1. I've made the executive decision that my camera will be my new best friend. She's coming everywhere with me, sitting in the passenger seat, tucked in my bag, slung across my shoulder. I'm going to wear that girl down to nothing. (Then I'll just have to get a new one.....?) I used to take pictures all the time. Every day. Annoyingly frequently. I want to be that again. I'm ready to see my world in a new way, through a new lens.

2. This being said, there is no photo to go with this post. Oh well.

3. I think I was meant to have baby bangs in this life. It feels like they fit me, sit perfectly on my forehead. I'm wondering how I went this long without them.

4. "Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." This Plato quote has been floating around in my mind for the past two days. When I was about to get really angry with a coworker yesterday for not helping me with the kids (inside angry, that is), she started telling me about how she wants to make sure she sits at the front of class when she goes back to school this fall (after raising her daughter for the past 8 years, alone) for fear of feeling too self-conscious as she walked to the back of the class. My heart melted, and I realized that we're really all the same, you know?

5. This is probably one of my most favorite blog posts ever written by anybody, ever.

6. I'm so, so grateful and over-the-moon excited to have won a spot in Hannah's Making Space for Surrender program. If you're interested in joining us, it starts Monday and the details are here.

And in other places around the web:

1. Two more good ones from Leonie (could you have guessed?) here and here.

2. She also just released this beautiful Biz and Blogging workbook that I can't wait to take a look at. She's also running her Business Goddess ecourse on June 1, but since I have a tendency to sign up for waaaay too many programs than I can handle, I'll sadly have to forgo it this time around.

3. I can't wait to make these slightly-sweet sesame cookies.

4. Susannah's honesty is what I want for my blog. Love her.

5. Jana and Rachel wrote about our weekends in Philly. (I love that they jumped on the blogging bandwagon.)

6. "I've become truly addicted to the belief that I can have everything exactly how I want it." Whoa. From Tanya Geisler. Can you imagine?

7. I think I need to face it, I'm a HSP.

I'm off to make some tea, rush off to work (like usual), and then start making things happen for a big, beautiful, birthday party we're throwing for my mother this weekend. Have a happy, magical, celebratory Friday and weekend.


  1. I hope the birthday party went well!

    1. Thank you, it did! I hope to share some photos here soon.


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