Tuesday, May 22, 2012

a weekend away.

Happy Tuesday! It feels like forever since I've checked in here, and I guess it really has been awhile. Oops :)

I have so much goodness to catch up on and share, but I wanted first to share my photos from my trip to Philadelphia last weekend. Jana was graduating from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts with her Master's degree and so we had a big gathering of friends to celebrate.

It's always a little bit strange reconnecting with people from my past that I haven't seen in awhile, you know? I've been doing so much growing and changing (internally, at least -- maybe not visibly to an outside spectator) that I quite literally feel like a different person around them, and have to navigate these new feelings quickly. Of course, we're still connected and I love the opportunities -- it's almost like a practice in being-my-new-self.

We ate and slept and walked the weekend away, and when I got home Sunday evening I felt like I had just been around the world. (Traveling tires me out, oh my.)

Congratulations, Jana :)

And now, bring on the absurd amount of photos in today's photo-overload!

inside jana's studiojana's studiojana's thesis!pafajana's thesis work!rachel at jana's thesisjana being sillythesis show at pafareading terminal marketstreet signagereading terminal market : the herbiaryreading terminal market : cheese!the black sheephappy hour at the black sheepeagle on the ceiling! at north 3rddinner at north 3rdphotobomb by rachelmoreyjana + stooppretty wallwalking to breakfastmakin faceswaiting for breakfastpretty janajana and teawaiting for breakfastbreakfast on the sidewalkpretty rachel at honey'spretty jana at honey's


  1. xoxoxox!!

    and we have to figure out when youre coming back ;)

  2. I love the photos! Philadelphia looks like a cool city- very nice urban shots! Makes me want to go on a city adventure, it's been yonks since I have been to the city.

    1. Yes it was fun! I'm a country girl through and through, so I'm not sure I could ever live in a city long-term, but it sure is fun to visit :)

  3. Looks like a fun time! And congrats to Jana! PS. I'm emailing you.

    1. Thanks, Amber! I'll pass on your congratulations :) A reply is coming soon!


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