Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Reading? For Fun?!

In five weeks, I'll be a college graduate.


I'm slowly forgetting about any regrets I might have about these past four years, or any sadness I might be feeling about leaving college behind, or any fears I'm having about becoming a real grown-up. Now, I really just can't wait. The past four years have flown by, but these last two months have been draaaaagging.

I also came to the realization that once May 9th is here, I will never have to do homework again. It won't be like every other summer vacation where the happiness of having no more homework to do will be tainted with the thought of having it piled on all over again come August. IT WON'T COME BACK!

So then I started thinking, What am I going to do with all my time? Work, yes. But what else? What was that other thing that I used to enjoy? That I actually used to like to do in my spare time? That thing I've now been forced to do in every waking moment whether I wanted to or not?

Oh yeah. READ.

Actual books. Actual things I enjoy reading about, not Idylls of the King and Manfred and Mary Barton. What a novel idea. I think I've forgotten what it's like to read for fun.

So now that I have the prospect of a whole summer where I can read whatever I want, I'm not going to waste any time. Queen of all things list-making, I've already come up with a whole list of things I want to read. Here's my list of Things I Want To Read This Summer:

1. The Bible
2. Long Walk to Freedom (still have not finished this!)
3. Gone with the Wind
4. Wuthering Heights
5. Women Who Think Too Much
5. Absalom, Absalom
6. Lady Chatterley's Lover
7. The Yellow Wallpaper
8. The Wasteland
9. Twilight (just to see what all the fuss is about)

So that's what I have so far. And I am determined to read them!

Suggestions for further reading are recommended and encouraged, please.


  1. Little Women
    A Thousand Splendid Suns
    The Red Tent
    The Sun Also Rises

    FYI only one of these were actually read when I was out of college - with all my free time you'd think I would read more but I don't!

  2. Wuthering Heights it STILL my favorite book. And you should also read The Courage to Create by Rollo May. I read it for painting last semester, but I think it is really about painting. Maybe that was a different book. There was some book that could be applied to painting, but was really about writing. I can't remember for the life of me. ANy way. read it.

  3. Yes, I've read A Thousand Splendid Suns and loveloveloved it. I'll look into the rest!

    And I STILL haven't read Wuthering Heights. I'll get on that, and also this painting/writing book. Thanks!


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