Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a Pleasant Surprise

Earlier this evening, while making a fantastic dinner of rice and beans...

...I received this email:

Dear Ruth,

I write with sadness that we won't be able to offer you a spot in the upcoming NYIP group. NYIP received sixty-three applications for just five openings! In the final analysis, decisions about offers had to do with factors that transcended any individual's qualifications, because of the huge number of wonderfully-qualified people. (Factors such as best fit with our projections about available worksites.)

Truly, I really enjoyed speaking with you. We were moved by your depth, direction, and values. You were an extremely serious candidate for us. It's a little painful not to be able to accept you.

You may already have other programs you're looking at... But we know of several that would welcome an application from you! I will list them at the bottom of this email. Not only would I be happy to send them all the application materials I have for you, but I would give you an additional glowing reference based on our in-depth conversation in the interview.

Blessings and prayers as you consider all this...

My life just may be over.
I'm hiding out now, in my bed under the covers until it's safe to come out.
Who knows when that'll be.

(PS: Ironic that the label for this post has to be "Great Big Future," no?)

1 comment:

  1. aw Ru!!
    DOn't hide under the covers!! It sounded like they really wanted you! Look on the bright side, at least they are going to send your info to other places, and give you another reference!
    love you girly!


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