Thursday, April 23, 2009

What a Girl

I just thought you all should know--about the beauty that is Rachel Clark.

Isn't she gorgeous?

She was so excited yesterday about my article. She posted the link on her Gmail, Facebook, and even commented on the article online.

She's so great. When we were little, we'd always fight. She was the big sister, I was the little sister, and that was that. She cleaned her side of the room, and I cleaned mine (sometimes). She had the bottom bunk, and I had the top. I had to ask to use her stuff, and when I didn't, all hell broke loose.

Now, I can safely say we're friends. Not all people are that lucky. Growing up, all my friends used to say they wished they could have an older sister like I did. It took me a few years to appreciate their comments, but now I really can.

I love you, RaRa.

1 comment:

Have I ever told you how much I love your comments?