Monday, May 4, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend and Last-Week Musings

Well, folks, it's the final stretch. That's right, this is my last week of college, ever. Three exams Wednesday, one Thursday, one Friday--then it's history. I told my mother not to call me after 5pm on Friday. Needless to say, I will celebrating into the wee hours of the morning. I cannot wait.

A week from yesterday, it will be all over. I'll go home, move back into my tiny over-the-garage bedroom in Somers, and do God-knows-what with the rest of my summer. I can tell you some things I do have planned though, that I will undoubtedly share with you on Ruth Writes.

I've recently become partial to cats. That's one of my first orders of business this summer. I need a pet. Ever since I was seven and my bunny Otis died, I've wanted a pet. I'm thinking a cat will be suitable. I never really used to like cats--what do they do? Lay in the sun, poop in a litter box, lap milk, and leave their fur everywhere to get stuck to your clothes. Frankly, I didn't see the appeal. However, maybe it's the jitters of a huge chapter in my life closing and a brand new scary one starting, but I'm thinking I want a cat. Yes, an old one. No one wants the old ones. I do. I'll keep you updated. (And I already have the perfect name in mind!)

Check out this picture from one of my favorite design blogs, For Me, For You.

Don't you just want to snuggle up in this bed with this kitty? I love real photography. Not point-and-shoot photography, but real SLR photography. And For Me, For You takes great pictures. I want a camera!

Second order of business, or perhaps first, will be to repaint my room. I painted it just two summers ago, but the color really didn't come out how I wanted it to and now I'm just kind of bored with it. So new paint, yes. I'm excited.

I unfortunately took zero pictures this weekend. This is not to say it wasn't a good weekend, though: one dollar drinks at Ted's, a night in with The Office and lots of sleep, studying at Starbuck's with my new favorite drink (Naked juice), babysitting the girls and playing beauty parlor, more studying, and home for dinner with the whoooole family (Rachel came home!). I promise, next weekend MANY pictures will be taken.

So I'll leave you there. I must cram in some more studying and then get ready for work. Happy Monday!

(Via English Snow)

1 comment:

  1. So weird. Because your Ruth signature looks very similar to the way I write my name too! Ruth is quite a cool name isn't it? ie, it's quite rare for me to come across another Ruth!


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