Friday, May 29, 2009

Old-Clothes-Only Decree: Week One

Hi guys. I have a confession to make.

I buy too many clothes. I buy things and never wear them again. I buy things and get them home only to realize they don't actually fit. I never return them. I buy things just because they're on sale. Or clearance. I am a bargain shopper to a fault.

This is where it ends.

For the rest of the summer, I hereby vow to not purchase anymore brand new articles of clothing. I figure, there's already so much old clothing out there that no one is using, so why not just wear that? It does seem rather silly for everyone in America to keep purchasing new articles of clothing when really--what happens with the clothing they replace it with? What happens to the outdated styles or skirts you get sick of? It's simple, really--I'll wear it.

That's why for the rest of the summer I am avowed to not buying anything new.

This will be detrimentally difficult.

But I'm going to do it. I've already started this week, purcashing a top and a sweatshirt from a tag sale just this past Saturday:

I'll continue to keep you updated, and try my best to STAY AWAY FROM THE GAP!

1 comment:

  1. that is a fantastic idea!! and that is a wicked sweatshirt!


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