Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gray Day & Bennie and the Jets

On this bleary and sprinkly Tuesday morning, I find myself sitting in Starbucks avoiding studying yet again. What is it about being in your last semester that causes such procrastination? I guess I just want to get out of here.

At the same time though, I'm starting to get really sad about leaving, which I didn't think I'd do. Steph moved out yesterday. Well, not really moved out--
she's coming back Wednesday

afternoon till Thursday morning to take exams--but still. All her stuff is gone, her room is practically empty, and she's not there anymore. There's such a void in our apartment now! And Kelly is leaving tonight to go home until Thursday, when she also comes back to take one exam. Bummer. I'm here till Sunday.

The bulletin board and chalkboard are taken down. The TV and TV stand are gone. The kitchen cookware available to me consists of one charred frying pan. The fridge is half-empty (no, not half-full, half-empty). It's a good thing most of the wall and window decoration in our apartment came from me, or else that'd be gone, too. And then I'd just have to cry.

It's not so much that I really love this place, but. . . it's the end of an era! What now? You all better be praying that I get into SOME program for the fall, or else we'll have a very distraught blogger on our hands. . .

That's all I can squeeze out for now. Once finals are out of the way, I'll be sure to post more frequently (and substantially). I'll leave you with one laughable video that might brighten your day, if it's anything like mine. . .

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