Saturday, May 2, 2009

Give Me a Minute. . . Or Two

What a terrible transition.

In case you can't tell, I'm having blog issues. Blogger is severely screwing me over. I'm no coding fool (at one point I was going to go into publishing, so I semi-know the basics...) but I'm no expert, either. So it's going slowly, but surely. I guess the perfectionist in me feels the need to reiterate, once again, to excuse the mess. There's nothing I hate more than a messy room, than a messy blog. But hopefully, soon enough, it will be fixed and fabulous and we can get into some real blogging adventures.

(Note the new name: Clever, no? Going to A Facet of My Growing Age will still redirect you, but in future, typing in [don't forget the hyphen!] is shorter, easier, and much more fun, I think. It's a brand new blog!)

Thanks for understanding.

And in case you're like me and need to do some procrastinating in the meantime (avoiding studying for finals + becoming exasperated with Blogger = Ruth procrastinating), try StumbleUpon. The ultimate in very cool procrastination.

Also: This adorable photo collage.

Photographer Kevin Trageser took one picture a day of his girlfriend for a year. The ultimate in very cute photography.

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