Monday, July 12, 2010

being stuck in the charlotte airport good for four things:

1. spending extra time with your sister

happy rachelthe tequileria

2. being sad about the amount of times a flight can be delayed in a day
sad rachel

3. drinking lots at places like The Tequileria and The Rum Bar

the rum bar

4. letting the exhaustion and alcohol go to your head and being silly in said airport
yum!silly rachel



  1. So that's where you are.I was waiting for your weekly Dapple in my weekend post. I hope you made it home safely!

  2. At least you were with your sister!! I have a six hour layover in September, and I'll be alone!

  3. If you're going to be stuck in an airport, better to be with your sister and in an airport that actually has bars!

  4. Ahhh, but the only way to actually fly is to be positively drunk!
    Or, for me, at least. Otherwise I'd never fly again.


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