Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Birthday in Boston

So this past weekend I was in Boston with a few good friends and took a few good pictures. I just have to share:

Boy doing crossword.

Girl helping Boy do crossword.

Girl and Boy giving up on crossword and exploring Boston.

Boston at night.
(Happy Birthday, Joey)

I've been super into photography lately, and just can't help myself.

Babysitting Babies.

Desk in Sepia.

Getting Jonathan's UConn Luck.

Skippy Girl Cousins.

I think I'll get another degree in photography.


  1. the first picture on this blog does not have a crossword in it. it is most definitely the funnies.

  2. See: Lower left corner of "Boy Doing Crossword."

  3. the eye gaze definitely falls further down the page.


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