Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More commercials. . . I really don't watch that much TV, I promise

So in contrast to the Hoover commercial that I loveloveloved, I've seen some that made me positively irate. Well, maybe not irate, but they annoyed me. A lot.

Pepsi Max. Apparently it's this new type of Pepsi that has added caffeine. However, the commercial is geared towards men. Why? Because "men can take anything, except the taste of diet cola." It's "the first diet cola for men." It's not even labeled as diet on the can. God forbid a man should be seen drinking a DIET SODA. What would happen? His manhood would clearly be compromised. Women may not be attracted to them anymore. Their penises might even actually shrink. If men can take anything, as this commercial entails, why can't they take being seen drinking Diet Pepsi? (And what about all the men who don't care and will drink diet soda anyway and are being completely stereotyped in this ad?)

Watch it here, and tell me what you think.

In contrast, there's that commercial for the Oreo 100-Calorie Packs that's supposed to appeal to women. Again, let me just excuse myself for a second while I go throw up. Women frantically screaming and running to a truck of cookies while men look on? Please. Let's just reinforce the idea that women need to diet and count the calories of the cookies they consume so they can keep up with the stereotypical image of an attractive woman in America, why don't we. Men diet too, you know. Women aren't the only sex that are overweight. But of course, they're not supposed to be.

If Nabisco and Pepsi could just be run by intellectuals. . .

1 comment:

  1. I would say don't worry so much about stereotyping commercials. The really scary ones are the high fructose corn syrup commercials.


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