Thursday, March 26, 2009

AmeriCorps, Hear Me Roar!

That's right, AmeriCorps. Bring it on.

My interview skills are almost exhausted. I have had four interviews in three days, and three more before I can take a breath. TRY AND STOP ME!

The essays and short answers and resume and letters of recommendation weren't enough. The subsequent second applications weren't enough. The first phone interview wasn't enough, either. How many people am I going to have to go through?! I'm not an interviewing machine, you know.

But, PHEW! After tomorrow at 6pm I can finally relax for a quick minute. When does the madness end, I ask you?!

And to top it all off, I can't wrench myself away from my computer lately. BLOGSBLOGSBLOGS! I'm addicted. My TV hasn't been on in days. I haven't cracked a book all week. Blooooooooogs.....

Do you read any other blogs? (Besides this fabulous one, of course) I told Rachel I'd recommend some to her, so she'll have to read this first to get to them :)

My Absolute Favorite: Whoorl

Others I've Been Perusing:
Les Cadeux
Sizzle Says

I also can waste a quadrillion hours just looking at the Blogs of Note on my Blogger homepage (read: get a blog yourself and you can read them, too. PLEASE I need to waste more time blogging!)

So, then, in a nutshell, clearly: GET A BLOG!

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