Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Phew. Finally. No more studying till 2am, and then again at 6am, no more long mornings sitting in Starbucks, no more group meetings, no more #2 pencils, no more Scantron sheets. Who ever said that was a good measure of my intelligence anyway? I'd much rather write you a 5000 word essay on Sons and Lovers than fill in multiple choice bubbles about social learning theory, anyway.

So now it's spring break. It's too bad I can't write that I'm sitting in a cabana in Cancun slathered in tanning oil wearing a floppy straw hat and a teeny tiny bikini. Who are we kidding? (about the bikini, I mean.) Instead, I glance out at the Starbucks parking lot and see snow and ice and slush and messiness. It was 30 degrees when I woke up this morning.

This was the view I had from Joe's window just a few days ago:

For real. No joke. Spring is in eleven days. Eleven days. It's spring break. It's spring semester. SO WHERE'S SPRING, I ASK YOU?!

In case anyone was wondering, even when there's not midterms, I still have a million things to do. What, you may ask? Plan for my life. You know, what I'll be doing, and where I'll be living, and how much I'll be making when I graduate in 61 DAYS!!@&*%! Here's what I need to do today:

1.) Add to my blog (See? I'm not even procrastinating, I swear.)
2.) Call Jana
3.) Call Kate
4.) Call Rachel
5.) Complete the New York Intern Program application, which I devastatingly realized is completely different from the AmeriCorps application I've been busting my butt to finish (By the way, I'm taking any and all offers of letters of recommendation by March 15th, if anyone's interested.)
6.) Do laundry
7.) Clean bedroom/bathroom/kitchen floor
8.) Buy/write/mail a card
9.) Start on the mounds of homework I have to do by Monday

And I'm going to get it all done. I guess I shouldn't be writing such an extensive blog. But I AM going to be writing more later, because I have these three fabulous blog topics that have been sitting on a computerized Post-It on my desktop for way too long now. More to follow.

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