Monday, January 30, 2012

meet: maebel.

the un-named pup

My newest companion, Maebel the Puppy. She's a cross between a pug/chihuahua and a shih tzu/poodle.

the un-named pup

When I'm not waking up to her cries and tantrums every hour and a half throughout the night and standing outside in the dark trying not to freeze while I wait for her to pee, I really am smitten with her :)

the un-named pup

But whoa -- puppies are a lot of work. Everyone told me it would be, but I had no idea how miserable it'd be. Here's hoping there's a lot more sleep, discipline, calm, and relief in the next few weeks, so I can enjoy her. And did I mention sleep?

the un-named pup

Ever since Stella was put down, I knew I'd eventually adopt another pet. Then December came and the signs were everywhere and when a coworker announced that her dog had puppies and needed to give them all away, I was sold.

So Maebel it is :)

PS: Come visit me on Facebook for more puppy love!

maebel the puppy


  1. I just can't believe how cute she is! She literally is the size of MH's shoe.

  2. I know, isn't it crazy? I'm just dreaming of when the puppy-ness and crazy-ness subsides and I have a sweet, calm dog :) Ah....

  3. Oh Ruth, she is adorable! I do so sympathise with the lack of sleep etc having just been through that with Poppy. But it is so worth it & the time will very soon come when you can look back on this and smile x ENjoy x x


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