Monday, January 23, 2012

why i love dc.

georgetown cupcake

: I can see Rachel in her little DC home in her little DC life and feel so . . . . . inspired.

founding farmers brunchsisters at brunch

: I can literally eat my way through the city. 7th Hill, Taylor Gourmet, Founding Farmers, Sweet Green, ThaiTanic, Georgetown Cupcake -- it's never ending. And there's no guilt.

georgetown cupcakegeorgetown cupcake

: We can do whatever we want for however we want with whomever we want. Freedom!

gluten-free waffles, homemade!gluten-free waffles, homemade!

: I can wake up late to a quiet space on the most comfortable air mattress I've ever slept on and before I'm even fully awake, there are green smoothies being blended and waffles in the making and a movie already starting.

: We can stay out at a friend's birthday party until the bar lights come on and people start to get kicked out and there's still cabs outside to take you home. With people on the sidewalk. In my town at 3am, there are no bars, no people, no sidewalks, and no cabs.

georgetown cupcakes

Until next time, DC.


  1. Ruth, these photos are lovely, just like your trip seems to have been. Thanks for sharing them!

    1. Oh, thank you Abbie! I'm so glad you enjoyed them :)

  2. LOVE these photos! So sorry I missed you while you were in D.C.!


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