Tuesday, January 24, 2012

switch-off days

snowy woods

On Sunday, I switched off. After I woke and checked the necessary things that I wanted to check, I put my phone on silent, on used my computer minimally, and then proceeded to stay in my pajamas all day long.

It was glorious.

Balancing my on-line life with my off-line life has felt especially challenging lately. I find myself getting sucked into blogs and Twitter and the Goddess Circle and Pinterest and Facebook and before I know it, my entire night is gone and it's time for bed and I wonder what happened.

snowy woodsdog + snow

Does this happen to you, too? It can be so frustrating. But at the same time, it's kind of revelatory for me. So much inspiration! So many things I want to do! I remember a time in my life when nothing excited me, there was no inspiration, there was no investment in my tiny world. So to now be struck with too much to do, well -- it's a balancing act, but a really, really good balancing act. Finding that balance between both worlds (because my on-line life has become so important in more ways that I ever thought) is what I'm striving for these days -- learning how to both take in the inspiration and connection while still remaining present in my physical world.

snowy streamtea time

So on Sunday, I savored my time. I made tea. I did some sewing and crocheting. I went for a long walk in the snowy woods. I listened to podcasts. I wrote in my journal. I cleaned and showered and didn't drive my car anywhere. At the end of the day, I responded to texts and checked my email. And then I went to bed. And you know what?

It was exactly what I needed.

But now, in the days afterwards, the balancing act ensues. Limiting Twitter to twice a day, only reading blogs on my computer in the evenings, checking email just morning, noon, and night instead of every time my phone notifies me of each one -- these are my goals. I know they won't happen right away. But working them into my daily life, slowly, bit by bit, is making me happy, making me satisfied with my awareness and consciousness of my lifestyle.

And I think more switch-off days are in my future.

january dusk


  1. My life is a study in balancing acts this year - and switch off days are very necessary. So glad you're taking time for yourself!

  2. This post did make me smile! You could have been writing about me! Like you, when i discovered this on-life life my world exploded in a fantastic way & a way i never imagined possible, I have been so inspired & intrigued & supported & it makes it so worth while, but there does indeed have to be a balance. I am trying really hard this year to keep a balance with on-line & off-line, though there are many times I still forget! Good luck I hope you manage to find your balance with it all x

    1. Thanks, Ruthie, I hope you do too! I think just noticing the lack of balance is a great start.

  3. One of my goals for 2012 is to host a screen-free weekend for myself! Including the tiny screen on my phone. Bravo to you! I will use this post as motivation.


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