Tuesday, December 8, 2009

gingerbread villages.

Awhile ago, some friends and I made our very own gingerbread villages (yes, we bought kits at Target, pretending they were for some kids or something, when really they were for ourselves). We put on the Christmas music, tried to believe there was snow falling outside the window, and rationalized building gingerbread houses before Thanksgiving (yes, I'll admit it--it was before we should have really been getting into Christmas hype).

My team (ahem, the better team, ahem) ended up with this, "The Candy Cane Crossroads:"

The other team, ended up with, um, this (appropriately self-titled "The Christmas 2012 Aftermath"):

Now, if you'd please be so kind, could you please settle a bet vote on your favorite village?

Much appreciated! Now go make a gingerbread house/village/city of your own and do share!

1 comment:

  1. ooo!! i think i will go make one!!

    they're adorable!
    i haven't done one of these in a long time-
    it's always so much fun to do!


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