Wednesday, December 9, 2009

o christmas tree.

I love Christmas. A lot. If I could celebrate before Thanksgiving without feeling too guilty, I would.

However, I'm back home living with my family, and they're not quite as Christmas-crazed as I am. Our tree isn't up yet, decorations are hardly out, and there's not nearly enough Christmas music playing as I'd hoped for.

Alas, I now have one tiny bedroom to call my own, instead of a whole apartment at school. But that didn't stop me from putting up my own little tree. And a stocking. And lights. So maybe the bulbs are big as the branches, but that's okay. It's just a tiny plastic tree with cheap ornaments and my one hanging elephant from South Africa, but this little guy makes me smile.

Take that, living at home after college!


Maybe it sucks to be living at home, but it sure doesn't suck that I now work in an elementary school. Today's our first snow day!


  1. I'm soooo jealous of your snow day! I hope it's all still there when I come home on Friday. And your tree looks much cuter than mine, even though it's the same one :( Mine looks semi-disabled.

  2. haha i ;must admit it made me smile too. Maybe its the way i read it but its cute.


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