Monday, December 21, 2009

how i love this girl.

We met one fateful day at a study abroad info session. We took the MBTI and were the only two INFJs. Little did we know, we also had a lot more in common. SO much more in common. It's like we're long lost sisters (only, we look nothing alike). We are so similar, it's uncanny.

We roomed together once we got to South Africa, and roomed together once we got back home, too, in our own little on-campus apartment. Nothing could stop us.

Except for the fact that I graduated in May, and she didn't. We were roommates no longer. It's quite sad, really. I feel lost without Stephanie. She's finishing up her four years at UConn, and I'm . . . not. We suffer.

That's why drink dates are so necessary. I love our time together, chatting about the perils of living back home (she moved home for her last year) and reminiscing about our escapades studying abroad. We don't see each other nearly enough.

Scorpion bowls, here we come.

(Doesn't sushi always cure what ails you? It does for us.)

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