Sunday, December 6, 2009

i want to wash my hands, my face, my hair. . .

. . . IN SNOW!

That's right--the first real snowfall.
It started last night, and we woke up this morning to a winter wonderland.
All I can do is think of the song in White Christmas about snow.
That, and act like a child, giddy with excitement :)


  1. Snow is right! Glad you're so excited by it. I'm trying to stay positive. It was lovely today on my walk, very magical.

  2. aah, the golden age of hollywood... they just don't come that good anymore!

    and i don't think i'll even go into how inexplicably jealous i am about the snow!!!

  3. I swear that dog is there SO much! you would honestly think that Seita was your family's dog.

  4. I love White Christmas! I've watched it twice already since thanksgiving!

  5. So pretty! I hope it's still there when I come home on Friday - none of the snow stuck in the city!

  6. Oh, you got a lot more snow than me. We only got about half an inch here. I was in Providence Sat night and it was so pretty to see the snow with all the city lights.


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