Wednesday, December 2, 2009

photo swap recap.

Remember when I signed up for Rhianne's Photo Swap? Well, her great idea finally came to fruition. Is starting to, anyway.

The lovely Stuart of Voila mailed me her roll of film awhile ago (this girl is seriously on the ball) and after wrestling with my scanner for quite some time, I've finally got the pictures up. I have to say--I'm probably going to be slightly embarrassed when she gets my photos and puts them up. I don't think I've used a disposable camera in . . . . seven years? And once MH played around with the stupid camera just once, the flash was stuck on perpetually, so we'll see if these pictures come out at all! They all may just be one big, bright, ghostly mess.

But I digress. Stuart has taken some lovely photos from Washington, D.C.--which is ridiculously ironic because Rachel lives about three streets down from her! When I showed her the photos, she told me exactly where everything was. Small world, isn't it?

I've posted her photos below, and also put them up on the Photo Swap's Flickr page. They're on my Flickr too, but I don't think I've ever actually admitted I have a Flickr and, well, let's just say it's a rather sorry sight. But you could see them a little better there if you'd like.

Can we also let the record show that Stuart is absolutely adorable? Her roll of film came with a sweet little note on a monogrammed card. Ah, the joys of blogging . . . .


  1. These are so good, how exciting! I can't wait to see how yours turn out, I'm sure they will look great :)

  2. yeah, seriously, these photos are awesome!!

  3. These look great! Can't wait to see how yours came out too.

  4. Ruth, your pictures are up! You did a fantastic job... I feel the same way about using film, it was like learning to ride a bike again.

  5. These are incredible! Yay for the Photo Swap! xo.


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