Sunday, December 5, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

chilllllyold crab applepretty branchesat the base of a quad-treeby the pondbalancingperiloussunlit tree topsclementinesparsnip cake

1. A chilly weekend.
2. An old crab apple lingering in the driveway.
3. Some pretty branches.
4. A huge tree in the middle of the woods, growing up into four separate trunks.
5. A walk by the pond with James, Mary, and her friend Kelsey.
6. Balancing across a fallen tree.
7. Being wary of the mud below.
8. Fading afternoon sunlight, only lasting on the treetops.
9. A bowl of so-much winter citrus.
10. My parsnip cake with cream cheese frosting.

Last week's cyber-absence (well, for the most part) was much needed. Sometimes I put too much pressure on myself to blog and it just doesn't become fun anymore. I tried to limit my computer usage overall last week and felt much better. I think I'm learning that it's way too easy to lose track of time at the computer, and that I'd have so much more to do if I took out half the time I spend staring at my screen. Priorities, priorities.

This weekend felt a little off. Despite the beautiful weather and so much free time (after a busy week at work, it was exactly what I needed), I still couldn't settle into the lazy mornings and free afternoons. Hopefully getting back into the swing of things this week will quiet my mind. Funny how that works.

Here's to a not-too-busy getting-closer-to-Christmas week.


  1. That cake with cream cheese frosting looks lovely, and your pictures are always so quaint...I love it!

    Liesl :)

  2. Welcome back! Isn't it funny how a little cyber absence can do wonders for the soul?

    I'm sorry your weekend felt off, though your pictures, as usual, look wonderful.

  3. cyber absence is sometimes much needed. Your photos came out lovely once again :)


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