Tuesday, December 7, 2010

in the morning.


It was 7:25am. I needed to be gathering my things and leaving for work. Not in the backyard taking this picture.

But it's my slow step. Maybe tomorrow I'll be ready earlier and have time to take a picture leisurely. Maybe after that I'll set the alarm for a few minutes earlier. Maybe someday I'll be able to practice yoga on my mat on the dining room floor, before anyone else is awake. Maybe someday I'll have enough time to walk through the woods before scrambling out the door.

But for now--I've taken a picture. And I'm setting the intention.


  1. Oh, I love it. The mornings are such a wonderful time to set the tone of your day. Peace.

  2. this shot is lovely, the light is just beautiful

  3. and what a gorgeous picture it is--i love everything about this post. i know this post. i feel this post.


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