Friday, May 13, 2011

a mid week break

pretty clara

On Wednesday I had the opportunity to skip out on work at daycare and instead babysit for sweet little Clara next door. 

One child instead of eight? Ability to put her in the car and drive off to visit friends? A 2 1/2-hour nap session all to myself, in silence? 

I couldn't say no. Needless to say, it was a delightful day. It was a nice little break in my week (although I think I might get bored of it every day!)

And c'mon--look at that face.


  1. omgosh her little outfit! love the name clara too :)

  2. she is too cute, and i must say, i as well think clara is a gorgeous name.

    2 1/2 hours?! so jealous. the little girl i sit for usually goes about 45 minutes at most--if i'm lucky. always has. euf.


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