Sunday, May 15, 2011


lilies of the valley in my hairstella de oro

Oh, the sychronicities presenting themselves to me.....

Sitting in the library, curled up in a comfy chair, journalling through my lunch break. I look up, and find myself smack in front of a nonfiction section of faeries and nature myths and folklore. One catches my eye: Women Who Run with the Wolves. I take it home with me that day. Two days later: perusing Goddess Guidebook archives from 2004. Leonie links to the latest book she's reading: Women Who Run with the Wolves. Mhmm.

Surfing Park Seed, researching and studying which seeds I'd like to order and sow and grow into flowers and herbs and vegetables. A daylily catches my eye, named Stella de Oro (just like my Stella). Later that day, Googling hardy flowers for zone 5, in a category all its own: the Stella de Oro daylily. Then, the next day, wandering the greenhouse's annual plant sale down the street from my house, and finding rows upon rows of daylilies. As the remembrance of the sweet Stella flower floods my mind, I look down to the first plant I see: the Stella de Oro. Star of Gold.

My mind can't catch up! It's all so magical, and so much.

But it's lovely, and it's comforting, and I think it's just what I've been asking for.

Wondering what the Universe will send me next.....


  1. This kind of synchronicity has been happening to me as well lately, and I love it! Some daylilies are edible, btw - not sure about the Stella de Oros, but in some cases you can batter and fry the flower buds. Mmmm.

  2. So glad to hear you're experiencing the same things, m! I'll have to look into edible daylilies.....

  3. i looove this! and when you start listening you find these little synchronicities everywhere! let's you know that the universe knows what it's doing :)

  4. How beautiful!! I love it when things fall into place like that :)

  5. Kaylia--me too! I'm glad other people have this happen, too!


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