Wednesday, April 25, 2012

honoring our bodies with support

springtime skirt 

For a long time now, I've felt uncomfortable in my body. Not in a disliking-of-my-size-and-shape kind of way (no, that's something I'm working on entirely differently), but in a way of just not feeling good.

Not feeling healthy.
Not feeling comfortable.
Not feeling 100%.

And I've fought it. I've seen multiple doctors. I've tried changing my diet. Nothing was really working. And so I was resigning to these feelings of bad and unhealthy and uncomfortable and less than 100%.

(But in a compassionate-towards-myself kind of way, I was trying. I wanted to feel better. I just didn't have the right thoughts around it to make things transform. I understand this now.)

There are a few things I've learned about my body that I know make me feel good, however. Like getting enough water. And sticking to whole foods. And moving every day. And taking my vitamins and supplements. Important things that are all well and good, but nothing that was life-changing.

Now, though, something has shifted. In fact, since the new year, I've felt all areas of my life shifting. But one of the biggest ones? My body. I've learned that my body needs support, just like the rest of me does. It's taken me awhile to figure out what kind of support I need, but once I got really quiet and listened to what my body was telling me, it was easy.

I'm seeing a naturopath, now. A good one. Who I think can help me. I'm getting blood tests done and trying out a new food plan and then I'll see him again to reassess. Medicine that I get excited about is good medicine, I believe.

He's recommended that I try out a strict gluten free and dairy free diet, which I've always suspected I need. It's going to be a little tough, but I've been doing my research and hearing from friends who've done it and finding new recipes to incorporate into my diet. I feel like right now, this is the best step for my body. Cutting out all gluten and dairy just feels soothing and nourishing to my system. I'm hoping it will help with digestion and create some peace in here.

I'm also trying acupuncture. I've wanted to do this for the longest time but it just never really happened (a part of the process I'm learning to honor). When I heard that acupuncture can be really helpful for both anxiety and endometriosis and learned more about it, that was my cue. I did my research and found a practitioner specializing in women's health and even realized my health insurance would cover some of it. All the inspiration fell into place, and then I made it happen.

It isn't an inexpensive path, but once I believed the truth that money is energy and tapped into my feelings towards it more, I no longer felt trapped and paralyzed by the cost of these things. I cut back on spending in other places, and it feels good to willingly hand over money for things I believe in. I never thought I'd say that -- I spend a lot of money per month (for me, anyway!) on support systems, and I actually kind of like parting with it. Imagine that :)

I don't think there's one answer. I think for me I need this mix of support systems, using not only the medicine itself but also the practice of branching out and trying new things and making decisions for myself that feel good to me.

I don't know that these are the answers to all my troubles. Maybe they'll completely cure me, maybe they'll make me feel 20% better, maybe they'll do nothing at all. Maybe I'll end up adding surgery (for the endometriosis) or some other intrusive option. But I'm glad that I'm trying these new things and learning to honor my body with the support systems I've put into place.

I'm finding the support I need. And I like it.

(PS: Any GF eaters out there? I'd love to hear your thoughts/tips!)


  1. I love this post Ruth - I too have been trying to get more in tune with my body lately. As far as GF goes, I'd recommend Lisa's blog - she does gluten and dairy free and has posted some great recipes!

  2. Thank you for this post! I'e been having a rough time with my body lately and beating myself up for it. It's amazing how down it can get you. Whenever I get down I start making lists of all the things I'm thankful my body can do (like how my fingers are typing this right now!) It tends to pick me back up.

    I've recently been toying with a GF diet after stomach issues, with medical supervision, and it seems to help me personally. I was never a big gluten eater in the first place, but there are plenty of resources on the web - and more and more restaurants offer gluten free menus. Don't be afraid to ask!

    1. I'm so glad we're in the same boat, Jenni! I'm really hoping that cutting out gluten and dairy will help my stomach, and since I've heard so many success stories, I'm really optimistic. Glad it's helping you xx

  3. I am not gluten free but I am dairy free. It has worked wonders for my body. I don't even want to count how many years I was uncomfortable and miserable because of my food choices. It feels good to do right by myself. Good luck!!

  4. Ohmygosh, thanks for the encouragement! It's so good to know someone else succeeded in cutting out dairy :) So far I haven't felt a difference, but I'm going to stick with it for awhile and see what happens..... xx

  5. Ruth,
    In many ways, I was feeling some of the same things you've described here. I didn't completely change my diet, but I tweaked it. And I also committed to practicing Bikram yoga three days a week. Life-changing, really. It seems I remember you going to a yoga retreat a while back, is that right? Anyhow, I'm not sure if you like yoga, or have the opportunity to try Bikram specifically, but if so, the healing components of it are ridiculous. It's difficult and wonderful.

    Also- love the new blog revamp:)

    1. Courtney! Yes, I did a weekend retreat at Kripalu in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. It was magical! I've recently been trying to commit to yoga once a week, and you're right -- it really does feel life-changing! I've never done Bikram (I'm a little scared!) but perhaps I'll have to try it some time :)

  6. wow...this is so familiar to me because i'm on a very similar path. best of luck to you as you embark on new adventures.

    1. Thank you so much :) Glad you could relate xx


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