Monday, April 16, 2012

sacred sunday.

Important! I've officially switched over to, so you'll probably need to update your readers not even be able to see this showing up on your readers -- darn! Hopefully no one gets too lost. It may take a little while for to redirect, but hopefully it all shakes out. I'm so lost when it comes to all this!

Also, I'm writing over on Roots of She today for Jenn's Oh, These Wild Women series. Roots of She has quickly become one of my very favorite sites -- I always look forward to the posts. Thanks for having me, Jenn!


crab apple blooming

My parents and sister left yesterday morning for a week-long vacation. I woke up early, saw them off, and then -- celebrated.

A week alone. With the house to myself.
A week to practice my own rituals and habits in my own energy. A practice week, if you will, for when I finally have a space of my own.

Of course, I still have the dogs to look after. And the cat. And the bird. And the seedlings. And the feral cats in the backyard who've grown to expect twice-daily feedings. Oh my.

But today I started with a slow morning. A not-so-welcome welcoming of monthly back pain and discomfort, eased with tea and crackers and fresh daffodils and cuddling with the puppy.

backyard daffodilsprepping juice

We followed that with a trip to a new dog park, a few errands in town, a quiet afternoon spent writing and watching Office reruns and munching on salad.


sunday journallingmabel, post dog park
sieta, post dog park

I'm so ready for this week to begin! I've stocked myself up with decaf coffee, fresh lemons, juicing ingredients, almond milk, and enough dog food to last for awhile.

I'm open to possibilities :)


  1. Have a nice time! And write about it! Your writing is so fresh, I enjoy reading it. Thank you! Greetings from Switzerland (Agrippina, from the "Photo Meditations"-workshop)

    1. Thanks for stopping by here! I haven't had a chance to look through everyone's blogs yet, but it's got to be like a gold mine of inspiration :)


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