Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I think I mentioned this a long time ago, and never came back to it to explain, but I've begun working in a new office doing new things with new people for the last two months of my AmeriCorps term.

Which means, CEOs and CFOs blocking any fun websites, including all those under the category of "Web Communications."

Thereby, all blogs. Including my own.

So my Google Reader is full of posts of pictures that don't load, and I can't even go to the sites to comment on the words. And once I'm home from work at night, the last thing I want to do is go sit on a computer some more.

So this is my apology for my lack of commenting. I'm reading, I promise, I just can't comment!

This has sincerely made me realize my infinite love for all you bloggers, though :)


  1. oh that's sad - oh well!

    When are you coming to Seattle?

  2. I've just been going through all your old posts. Great blog!

  3. ah no! boo blocking..
    haha i guess that mens you have to actually do work! haaha.


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