Monday, June 28, 2010

let's become alive


I've felt an overwhelming need to surround myself with growing things lately.

Over the past week I've searched thrift stores for old pots and raided Home Depots for green plants. I intruded on my backyard with scissors in hand and plucked stems to fill vases.

My bedroom is slowly becoming the alive oasis my soul is yearning for.

A voice speaks to your clarity.
Move into the moment of your death.
Consider what you truely want.

Now call out commands yourself.
You are the king. Phrase your question,
and expect the grace of an answer.



  1. i love this!
    old pots are just the greatest!
    and filling your room with GREEN is WONDERFUL!!

  2. I think I might just follow suit. My only house plant dies, and I feel that I must fill that void.

  3. LOVE rumi!

    and i love how you describe an "alive oasis". that's exactly what i want around me as well :)

  4. It's funny. Often you describe something you're feeling, and my immediate reaction is OH DEAR WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. (Except we can't be, since I bet you never think in all caps.) Anyway, I've been feeling the same urge lately. I want to fill my room with plants, I want to dig in the soil, I think a part of me would be completely content to live in a treehouse forever- it's all about the alive oasis.


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