Tuesday, June 15, 2010

sometime soon

I have much to share here,
that I've had percolating for over a month, now.

I'm finding it harder and harder to find the right words.
The right sentiments.
The right meanings.

The right anything.

Possibly because once they're out, they'll be there, staring me in the heart, and they'll be real and tangible and sudden, and I'll know I won't have made them up.

Sometime soon I'll stop obsessing and face it and write it and get it out, maybe.

Perhaps this was a useless post.
But now I'll be held to my word, right?
And I feel like now, I'm one step closer.


  1. Sometimes a step the right direction is all it takes!

  2. Agreed, definately a step forward. Get it out, itll feel good.

  3. we'll be here waiting when your news is ready to be heard :)

  4. Just breathe and say what you need to say.

  5. I know the feeling. Taking a break definitely helps. And I love your blog by the way. Just found you, glad I did.

  6. I didn't know if you'd see my reply at my blog so I thought I'd post it here too:)
    Okay so I just read it but YES! I actually remember liking it a lot and writing it down somewhere once...I guess I can't even remember the memorable things. Haha

    Thanks for stopping by! I'm still enjoying all of your posts!

  7. thanks for sharing on my brazil post, telling something about yourself takes bravery. you can do it :)

  8. of course you are, take your time.


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