Monday, January 17, 2011

a dapple of my weekend

all that playing in the snow is tiringnight sledding
post-sledding goodies
Friday: a much needed afternoon off from work to nurse a very persistent cold, and then a night spent sledding under the moon to reverse any good.

breakfast in bed
Saturday morning: a little sister who kindly offered to bring me breakfast in bed (waffles and a banana, with a dollop of whipped cream) as an excuse to hang out with me when I refused to get out of bed and play with her.

the farmthe farmeasthamptoneasthampton
Saturday afternoon: a trip to the farm for their winter farm stand, stocking up on potatoes, carrots, beets, and radishes (and the snowy mountain views). Then, a stroll through Northampton, stumbling upon Tibetan prayer flags, a new (to me) natural foods store, and the most delicious Sambar I've ever tasted.

sunday morning light on the wallpaper

stella being nosy
Sunday morning: just the way I like it. Capturing the sunlight in the early morning, a gentle yoga class, a trip to the grocery store for necessities (blueberries and tulips on sale!), and a long hot shower.

Hope your weekends were lovely, wherever you are :)


  1. This looks truly DIVINE!!! Love the cabin lit shot with the snow...magical!

    Liesl :)

  2. I know where that Sambar came from, yum ; )

  3. i love love love that first photo - that is what winters should be made of.


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