Monday, October 18, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

pumpkinsover the farmsunsetcloudskalebird housesbrussel sproutsorganicsbluesbeer tastingfree beer heredahliascoventry cemeterycreepy-eyed cowthe pumpkin patchthe pumpkin patch

You know what makes me happy about these photos? Not one of them was taken indoors. I think I spent more time outside this weekend than I have all season. And I enjoyed it thoroughly--I couldn't put my camera down. Every time I snapped the lens cap back on, another scene unveiled itself that I just couldn't let pass. I'm thoroughly satisfied.

This weekend was spent meeting up with friends for some well-deserved drinks, working a bit, taking a much-needed nap (I don't nap nearly enough, I decided), seeing a friend's band perform on Saturday night (at which I forgot my camera!), sleeping in on Sunday, going back to the Coventry Farmers' Market for the Blues and Brews Festival, picking some pumpkins at the local farm, eating tacos, and ended with watching first a scary movie, and then When Harry Met Sally to even my mood (what is it about that movie that seems to autumn-y to me?)

As sad as I am about it being Monday, this week will finally be a normal 40-hour work week, so I hope to catch up on life in general (and maybe even get a full day off!)

Here's to a happy week!


  1. gorgeous photos indeed. sounds a bit like our busy weekend...we had tacos too:)

  2. wow would you look at that sky! What a treat!

  3. that looks like a lovely weekend. The cow is too cute. Harry Met Sally is perfect for autumn. I think it has a lot of autumn(ish) scenes.

  4. Hey I just realized that we live fairly close together! I am about 30 minutes or so from Coventry and my sister in law actually grew up there. I had never heard about this fair which is a bummer cause it looks like a good time

  5. Okay so this is the second time from one of your dapple posts that I'm saving the pic and using it as the background on my computer. Your pictures are so good!

  6. Looks like a lovely dapple! :) Beautiful pictures too!

    Liesl :)

  7. oh I love farmers' markets!


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