Tuesday, October 19, 2010

woods walk

Speaking of morning rituals, I've discovered a recent admiration for walking through the woods, first thing (you know, on the days when I'm not up at 3:30am, that is).

When I was homeschooled as a kid, we'd always start our days this way with our old dog, and I think it programmed my cells to just like it. It's so refreshing to take those few minutes in the morning in peace, even now.

On yesterday's walk, I snapped some photos as I went and turned them into a (very)mini video. I guess I'll have to settle for this on days when I don't get outside!

woods walk from Ruth Writes on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Ruth, Great video. Is it a slide show on fast forward? How did you do that? So cool?

  2. love your video, what a great way to display your photos and I love the song:)

  3. LOVE this!!! All your pictures make for a great video!

    Liesl :)


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