Tuesday, October 5, 2010

stepping in

leaves, in the rainwhite flowers

I distinctly remember the moment when I was little when I felt like I needed to make an important decision. Was I young enough to continue being taken care of like a child, or was I old enough to start taking care of others?

I wasn't asking when I would be old enough to start taking care of myself.

That was then.


  1. i never thought of it in those terms...
    now that i have,
    i'm nervous and a lot confused
    - but at this point i'm used to confusion being my neutral state...

    by the way... those photos are AHmazing!
    oo that leaf!!

  2. Don't be nervous and confused! The way I see it, you just have to be like your own parent watching out for yourself!

  3. Ruth seriously. Your pictures take my breath away!

  4. beautiful pictures! and being a grown up is so hard... there are times when all i want to do is take care of myself and other days where all i want is for someone to offer to take care of me!

  5. Maybe a bit off topic, but that leaf photograph is so beautiful.


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