Monday, May 17, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

blanche, bedmarket basil plantclotheslineiced coffee, whipped creamgoing outgetting readyriding bootsi love horses' noseshorse, skychairs at margaritas

Kitty-snuggling, late night bar-drinking, going to the first farmers' market of the season, doing yoga in the backyard, hanging laundry on the clothesline, babysitting, attending a good friend's horse show (and getting to play the photographer), indulging in Mexican food, and scary movie-watching.

It all sounds lovely, right?

It really was, I suppose, but I'm struggling with every Monday picking out the "good" pictures and writing about everything in a fantastic light, even when it's not really so. Of course, my weekend was nice, but not as nice as these pictures and paragraph above show.

So really, my weekend involved:

getting camera-happy with my cats, hanging out with friends at a new bar, being sorely disappointed by the local farmers' market which contained absolutely no produce and only snooty craftspeople, doing yoga in the backyard until the lawnmower came too close and the noise was too loud and I had to move anyway, then doing yoga in my bedroom until I stretched into eagle pose and realized I have a bedroom the size of a closet and it won't even hold eagle pose, hanging laundry on the line happily but then having to take it down and put it in the dryer which I was trying to avoid in the first place because the lawn was being mowed and the cut grass would stick to it and dirty it, reluctantly babysitting and getting vomited on multiple times, watching a horse show and getting to have way too much fun as the photographer, eating way too much Mexican food and maybe even drinking sangria at lunch, and watching a scary movie and trying not to think about it as I came home alone to a dark house.

Do you see how I just did that?

Not a terrible weekend by any means--there are just some storm clouds that accompany the sun, now and then.

I'm gonna chalk it up to perspective and try to trick my mind into thinking my weekend was as beautiful as these photos.


  1. Hahaha, not to laugh at your bad tidings, but this was a brilliant way to put things in perspective. I have a feeling a lot of the blogs I read disguise the second paragraph into looking like the first... :)

  2. If it makes you feel any better, these pictures make me think you had the perfect weekend! I would love to have a backyard to do yoga in!

  3. The theme of this post is something I think about a lot. I commented somewhere recently, it may have been here, that one of my favorite things about my blog is that it forces me to find the good in my life, the little things that keep me upbeat and positive. Does it mean I'm less "real"? You bet. I think, though, that for me, as someone who tends to dwell on the negative, adding an opportunity to think about things that make me happy is a good thing.
    Which is not to say I don't get an incredible amount out of reading the blogs of people like you, people who are so honest and open about the way things really are. I love blogs like this, ones whose authors are not afraid to really think about things and put them out there.
    Whew! Novel much? I don't think I've ever written a comment this long- I guess you got me thinking!

  4. Yay I love long comments! I'm glad this got us thinking--this is something I go back and forth with just about every time I post.

    Perhaps that's why I don't post as frequently as I'd like.....

  5. Beuaitful pictures. Your weekend sounded good. The good things seemed to outweigh the bad. I have always wanted to go to a horse show...

  6. Such a well-written post!

    I have got to get a clothes line, if nothing else for the photo opportunities :)

  7. There was a few weeks this semester that I was depressed, but still trying to keep up my blog and lord was that hard. You don't want every post to be sad, but then that's all that's really going on in your head. I did this, too, just showing highlights and the niceness of a day.. though in my head it wasn't that nice (even though it should be) and the bad outweighed the good.

  8. i love hearing peoples true weekend rather than the weekend people write about on their blogs to make it sound ultra perfect :)

  9. Oh!! Oh!! My goodness, her horse is so beautiful! Dressage?

    Even if your weekend wasn't lovely, the photos are jaw dropping. I've been dying to take horse pictures and these are making me want to hit the city limits =)

  10. Haha. I love the honesty. Life is never as exciting or beautiful as pictures make it appear but the mundaneness and annoyances are what make it life... right?


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