Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the top

It's like when you're spinning a top,
maybe the kind that has the marker on the tip and draws spirals,
(I think that's the only kind of top I've ever spun),

and you sit and watch it spin round
and round
and round,
and faster
and faster,

but then it begins to slow and wobble,
and you can almost hear it shouting,
wobble! wobble! wob-ble! louder and louder,

and you lean in closer to wait for that exact moment you're fearing,
and then all at once
it falls to its side in exhaustion,
sputtering once or twice,
until it completely stops,

and everyone sighs,
and shakes their heads, saying
too bad.


  1. wait - did you write this?! amazing.

  2. brand new to your blog and i LOVE it!
    these thoughts are perfect:

    "maybe the kind that has the marker on the tip and draws spirals,
    (I think that's the only kind of top I've ever spun)"

    always spinning. always leaving a mark while doing so. beautiful idea!

    can't wait to keep reading more here :)


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