Friday, May 14, 2010

i've just decided

This blog is too cluttered. Everywhere I look there are columns and squares and paragraphs and archives and links and buttons and pictures.

Too much, I say.

This is more like it. (You've not read her? Oh, get on it.)

So tell me--do you have any blog revamping techniques you'd be inclined to share with us?

I'm afraid I'm not very technically savvy.

As you can tell by my clutter.

**Update: Clutter is beginning to clear. We're getting there.


  1. i tries to de-clutter my blog. make it all clean lines and white space. it didn't work. i have too much to say. my life is busy. my mind is cluttered. so is my blog :) i embrace it!

    your blog is great as is---but i'm sure any changes will be beautiful as well! can't wait to see what happens :)

  2. i feel the same way! ive given up for now haha let me know if you find any tips

  3. all neatened up.
    like it either way really.
    but it looks nice!

  4. Wish I could help with the tech savvy stuff - I need someone to find someone to fix mine up! Haha

  5. i am naturally inclined toward clutter, so i have to frequently remind myself to get rid of anything that isn't beautiful or useful- on my blog, in my home, and especially in my closet :)

    i think your blog is very clean-looking and chic, though! i don't think you even need to re-vamp.

  6. I decided the same thing about mine the other day. Meanwhile, yours is looking fantastic! And I'm loving the new header!


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