Thursday, May 13, 2010

on the permeation of food

My bag of rice chips was just sitting next to my banana.

And now my rice chips taste and smell like banana.

I like bananas.

But not with my rice chips.



  1. i hate when certain foods mix!!! ruins everything! haha. and i wish i were a fan of bananas.

  2. that is so funny. if you wanted bananas, you'd have eaten bananas!

  3. That always happens when I put Trident gum in my snack desk at work. I agree that mixing certain foods is lame.

  4. I've just realized that I cannot keep anything inside my boyfriend's refrigerator because his roommate is dirty and eats gross things, and everything that I put in there comes out smelling and tasting like dirty fridge/giardinera pickles. My cherries were contaminated yesterday, and I nearly cried.


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