Sunday, May 2, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

spot a cat



rocky neck

birds of a feather

silly girls


I sat in a lawn chair at dusk and read a book.

I went to the beach for the first time this year.

I skipped the gym. Both days.

I reunited with old friends at a spectacular birthday party.

I drank margaritas.

I ate breakfast in the backyard.

I didn't sit at my computer for one minute.

I think this was the first weekend, in a very long time, that I can honestly say I really liked.

Please send more of these my way.


  1. Good for you! It's satisfying to have a busy, productive weekend; but I think satisfying in a whole [better] other way when nothing goes on. And stop showing pictures of beaches, you're breaking my heart ;)

  2. your weekend looks positively beautiful and so springy :)

  3. Everything sounds perfect, especially the part about reuniting with old friends. By the way, I'm in love with the little bud vase holding your flowers...very cute :)

  4. You look so cute in that picture! I forgot that your hair is short now...

  5. Rachel--Yes, sometimes I forget, too! Mostly when I'm at the gym and YEARN to toss my hair up in a ponytail....

    Elizabeth--Thanks! That's one of my most recent yard-sale purchases...

  6. What gorgeous photos! Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Especially since 'ritas were involved! HA!

  7. My friend and I were whining about the beach as we laid out in the park on Sunday. It was soooo hot and we just wanted a dip in the ocean. Your pictures are just taunting me;)

  8. Sorry about that! If it makes you feel any better, I probably won't get back to the beach again for months :(


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