Friday, May 7, 2010

the weekend, again

Does it feel like it was just the weekend a second ago? I never thought I'd be anything but delighted to see a weekend looming, but lately, I feel like every other day I'm saying, "It's Friday already?"

This weekend I plan on getting down to business and burying my nose in sewing projects. I've recently signed on to sell some pieces at a local farmer's market, so I have plenty of work to do before June surprises me.

Since, you know, the weekends have been in that habit.

Enjoy yours, won't you?


  1. I agree, this week went so fast. It's already the 7th of May!
    Beautiful photos and gorgeous blog.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. The day I start feeling like Friday comes too fast will be one fabulous day. On the contrary, Monday felt like it should have already been Thursday!

  3. I WISH my weeks went by that fast. HA! Happy weekend!

  4. Love the weekends. Except on this one I'm moving, so less fun than usual.

  5. i really wish i knew how to sew. and i completely agree about the weekends! i feel like the week goes by so quickly...i hope summer slows the time down!

  6. you can count on me to be marketing your pieces all around that farmers market.


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